Friday, April 20, 2012

day 314: stencilled pillow

a pillow for my boy
day 314 and those that have been around for the last 300ish days will know i love anything that can be personalised .... and that i love a good pillow to decorate ... today i am joining those two things together again to make a pillow for ben's bedroom.  he has a room that has a bit of a travel thing going  thanks to his love on tintin.  all the travel things i love are generally REALLY expensive because they are more for adults than a tween or they are for toddlers and are more geared to transport than travel.

time to put purchasing aside and make something instead.  i was hooked on this pillow as soon as i read diy personalised pillow with ... stencils!  the shelterness website has a great, good to follow tutorial on how to use stencils to personalise a pillowcase for your home.  this creation is also pinned to my general crafts board on pinterest.

all you need is a permanent or fabric marker, cushion cover, cardboard, pencil, ruler, and stencils.  for this pillow i asked ben for his favourite places around the world, most he hasn't visited but loves the monuments of the city or country, or has some connection to them.  the pencil and ruler are for ruling straight lines on the pillow, and the card goes inside the cover of the pillow so there is no seepage through to the reverse side of the marker.

the materials needed

rule pencil lines and begin!

the finished pillow

an up close of the imperfections ;)

outcome:  a rustic which means not perfect pillow for ben's room that definitely adds to the travel items in his room he loves.  actually in real life it looks heaps better, go figure.  he likes it, i made it, not my favourite thing i have done so far, but not the worst either :)

thanks goes to the shelterness website for the cool tutorial that was really easy to follow and gave me plenty of inspiration to make a pillow befitting my boy peep!  

1 comment:

  1. I kind of like the way the marker has bled on the canvas. And it looks great with the map pillow. :)
