Wednesday, November 17, 2010


As I mentioned in my initial December Daily post, my pages are very white and very different from previous years! I have printed off my 26 days of December (I include Boxing Day for mine as we have family traditions we always participate in on that day as well!) ready to set off once again on this journey.  I will be posting each day where I am at with my December Daily, today was about the printing off of white foundation pages on white linen cardstock.  This year, my DD is an 8" x 8" album with clear acrylic covers.  I have used a Jolee's on the cover as I like the instant dimension you get from her embellishments (slightly lazy and unaltered but satisfying to have it underway and manageable!). 

Foundation pages ... very white!
This year I have also done something really different for me and that is printed all the numbers on each foundation page.  Depending on the photos for each day, I plan to embellish the actual "number boxes" and I love that each day this year has a dedicated box for journalling.  I am hoping this will make each day a little easier in terms of limiting the choices I have to make each day and making the process a little faster.  Even though I have done the foundation pages each year, some nights in December I have spent an hour trying to work out how to lay the journalling and photos together!  I'm a linear kinda gal and I am hoping this will narrow my nightly decision making process to only 1/2 an hour!  So loving seeing everybody else's, they are so cool.  If you come by my blog leave a comment and a link to your album so I can follow your progress each day as well.  Isn't Ali Edwards awesome for inspiration and sharing!

1 comment:

  1. very cool! I did an exchange through work a few years back and lived in Auckland- love it! NZ is the best. Love how you've arranged your pages, and can't wait to see the rest!
