Friday, June 17, 2011

day eight: the eat sheet

the eat sheet grocery lists and the smart snacking list
day eight and we are up early! busy day with grocery shopping and all the errands i have saved up over the last week all need to get done today along with the library and the kittens need their first vaccinations done!~  today's creation was repinned from the pinterest gallery onto my ideas for organisation board and it originated from the mommy tracked website.  it is of course a new grocery/menu planner that i downloaded from this great site. if you need help getting organised with lists, tips, and tricks this is a great place to go.

and it's another double deal as i have also used the smart snacking shopping list from be healthy, be happy downtownn blog, another really sweet site. i gave the kids the list and they got to choose a snack each from it to add the grocery list.  i printed it out half size and laminated it so we can use to again and again, now i just need a pinterest project to sort out a place to keep this type of thing!

i home school our two peeps and every second friday they have a list and collect the groceries from around the store.  each grocery item on the list has a budget next to it and they have to work out how much they need to buy of the grocery item while remaining under budget.  they do a much better job than i do because they don't get taken in by all the specials and multi buys available that i do!  they usually work together, but this week with the new lists and because i think pollyanna is now old enough, i have split the groceries onto two lists so they can have one each.  the lists have worked well so far and i will let you know later in the day how we went at the supermarket!

outcome: pending :)

thank you so much to the mommy tracked team and also to the downtownn blog for such lovely downloadables, they have certainly helped me and the fact they are free is truly awesome and a wonderful reason to keep visiting your sites for more tips and tricks

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