Friday, June 24, 2011

day fifteen: a goodie bag for the librarian

the goody bag ready to give!
day fifteen and its friday ... yeehaa! as home schoolers the library is a big source of books for us ... and we have one librarian who is amazing, always helping with books and putting holds on books for the kids and i that she knows we will love.  so today's pinterest 365 challenge was a goody bag pinned to my home school projects board from the sweet blog of sun scholars.
all that's required, bag, lollies, bag topper :)
i originally intended to gift these goody bags to the kids after we returned from the library for their reading time ... and i still will one day soon :) ... but for today i thought they were the perfect gift for our librarian who does so much for us AND loves to read!

outcome:  the concept is easy and with a little design on powerpoint, a clear bag, and of course some worm looking lollies you are good to go ... easy, quick, and a much nicer surprise for her than the chocolate bar we gave her last time and this shows how much we care.

big ups to the sun scholars blog, it has lots of lovely crafty goodness and no doubt i will find more inspiration from her site to pin to my boards that i can try later in the year!

photo fun days nine and ten: fresh fruit and animal
day nine's fruit ... mmm lemon season
day ten's animal ... cookie the kitty!

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