Tuesday, June 28, 2011

day nineteen: a ruffle skirt for my girly girl!

the finished skirt ruffles and all!
day nineteen and it's back to sewing! this time its a ruffle skirt that was pinned from the pinterest gallery to my general crafts board.  the skirt pattern originated from grand revival design blog.  can't say enough about the tutorials here they are awesome and so much beautiful eye candy! tanya is a very talented and i LOVE her fabric choices :)

ok, so i chose two coordinating fabrics from my stash and cut out the bits called for ... its not mentioned but you need two of each piece as illustrated in the photo ... loved having the photos and the written instructions because if i didn't understand one, when you put the two together it made perfect sense! again .. not a sewing goddess, i just try hard so i need all the help i can get with these tutorials and this one is one of the best i have used!
the two halves of the skirt ready to go together
my daughter, pollyanna, loved the two pieces, before i had even sewn them together she had them on twirling around in them waiting not so patiently for me to finish the new skirt!

outcome: such a sweet skirt and i will definitely make another one ... love all the ruffles, she feels like a princess and this was well within the realms of a novice with a sewing machine such as myself.

a big thank you goes to tanya at grand revival design for the very clear tutorial that helped me get through yet another sewing project ... check her site out its filled with wonderful things!

photo fun challenge day fourteen: someone you love
my sweetheart ... 

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