Sunday, June 26, 2011

day seventeen: carrot cake recipe

a delicious, moist carrot cake
day seventeen and i was up EARLY baking today's creation before spending time with two lovely friends crafting, then having dinner with some lovely neighbours who helped us out while we were away ... so good to have so many lovely people in my life!  todays carrot cake recipe was pinned onto my recipe must do's board from fresh in the kitchen, a site full of clean, refreshingly simple recipes from new zealand.

outcome: can i just say this carrot cake was a one bowl wonder that took no machinery to make, was SO incredibly easy .. oh ... and it tasted smashing! yes that's right, it was a huge hit after dinner tonight, took 10 minutes to make (15 if your husband won't grate carrots for you) and then it does the rest in the oven by itself for an hour while you shower and clean the one bowl and spoon you used to make it ... sweet, doesn't get any better than this when you have a busy day ahead of you!

big thanks goes to the lovely fresh in the kitchen website that clearly has well tested, delicious recipes :)

photo fun challenge day twelve: sun flare
this is as sun flared as it gets for winter in nz!

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