Sunday, June 19, 2011

day ten: lemon crinkle cookies and pizza muffins

lemon crinkle cookies
day ten and it's a cold wintery one but the show must go on ... and for me that means not only my pinterest 365 challenge but also our family volunteering at the howick historic village on their monthly live day.  in honour of that, it was time for some picnic baking for our 1850's picnic lunch at the village so before we went i made pizza muffins from lick the bowl good blog and lemon crinkle cookies from the lds living website. both were pinned from the pinterest gallery to my recipe must do's board.
pizza muffins
the only change to the recipe i made was replacing the pepperoni with ham as that's what i had on hand. the pizza muffins were supposed to be baked in a mini muffin tin, but as i could not find it, i made them in my standard size muffin tin and the recipe made 12 medium size ones which were awesome ... they were just the right savoury picnic food, lots of flavour and were absolutely fine cold.

the lemon crinkle cookies were also devoured by my peeps and husband who thought they were outstanding.  i made them exactly to the recipe provided here, the only except was after seeing the first batch bake, i squished the balls down on the tray a bit and they spread further and were less thick, which worked well.

at the end of a long day, but still smiling!
outcome: these recipes were extremely easy to make, took little time, were both awesome picnic foods, and they have been placed firmly in my recipe scrapbook :)

many thanks to both these lovely websites, lick the bowl good and , who provided me with two knew recipes to fill the tummies of my family and wow them at the same time!

30 day photo fun day four and day five: clouds and breakfast (respectively)

almost forgot to take the photo of some clouds today, this
is the sky at 10 last night, it was wet and windy but you
can see that, right?   :)
while i was busy organising the picnic food, my darling
husband cooked up a hot breakfast for us on this cold
day before heading out to the historic village

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