Sunday, June 12, 2011

day three: mixed mushroom spaghetti

mushroom spaghetti pasta with penne pasta instead!
day three (sunday, 12 june) and the inspiration for my own mushroom pasta dish comes from the family feedbag blog and was repinned from the pinterest gallery onto my recipe must dos boards.
the yummy mushrooms, cut and ready to go
it is sunday night here, and while i had planned to make this recipe most of the day as my p365, i was missing a few of the ingredients, but not the most important one .... the mushrooms (thanks to my darling mum).  you see i had already been to the grocery store yesterday and spent way too much money on food, and then, late last night was informed by my sweet husband we were out of milk and dish wash :( so down to the grocery store i went, yet again, to stock up on milk and dish wash ... i went very early this morning so we could make our morning coffees.

two things you should know about me are: i don't do well in the mornings and i also require coffee to function at an adequate level.  so being at the store that early and without coffee, i didn't even think to make sure i had all the ingredients for today's mushroom spaghetti quest.  the thought of going back for groceries for a third time this weekend did not amuse me, so i made do :)

the altered ingredient list
so you will note when you see amy b's beautiful recipe, it didn't have ham, spinach, parsley, or feta dip in it. and it was made with spaghetti pasta not penne rigate! this is what we had on hand instead of the cream, the spaghetti, and the tarragon. as for the spinach, well that was my contribution to getting my children's daily dose of green vegies into them :)

outcome: so, so delicious, and really easy. i usually stick to one pot wonders (this used two), so i really branched out of my comfort zone with this recipe!  it was totally worth it, an awesome recipe

thanks to the wonderful kitchen of amy b at family feedbag my family totally enjoyed their dinner, from me to you i thank you for sharing your obvious talents in the kitchen :)

just as a side note: we are all caught up now with the first three days of my p365 venture and unlike the first three posts that were all made today, subsequent posts with now be made daily with that days attempts to make, bake, or create something i have pinned onto my pinterest boards ... kia kaha

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kirsty! I'm so glad you liked my recipe! I like your blog idea. I'll be reading along.

    Amy B
    - Family Feedbag
