Saturday, July 2, 2011

day twenty three: crockpot chicken korma

chicken korma cooking itself :)
day twenty three and it is beautiful outside, but cold ... i am grateful its cold outside because i have been inside spring cleaning ALL day! this task is bigger than me at the moment :(   i am thinking about spring though and how much i will enjoy it knowing all the major cleaning and sorting for the year is over and that inspires me to keep going.

i had the best idea for my pinterest 365 creation today, a crockpot meal ... why you ask?! well i knew by the time it got to dinner tonight i would be stuffed after all the cleaning and sorting so figured while i had energy in the morning i would put dinner on after breakfast ... love that!

scrolled through my recipes board and found the quick and easy chicken korma which would use the chicken i had out for something else tonight.  the korma was pinned to my recipe must do's board on pinterest and originated from the oh so cool website of crockpot 365. i love her idea of crockpoting for a year, imagine that!

the lovely thing about this recipe is it doesn't call for any out of the norm ingredients.  i did have one other chicken korma recipe pinned to my wall that was probably far more authentic but i didn't even have half the ingredients for it! and when you are busy ... ya know .. cleaning ... you just need simple and that's what this recipe is :)
ready to eat chicken korma with some tasty naan
(sorry about the yellow picture we had mood lighting on!)
outcome: it was dee-lish-imo ... seriously so good ... maybe because it was so easy, maybe because its cold and wintery outside and cosy inside, maybe because of the yummy spices, maybe because it wasn't saturated in cream (i used yoghurt), maybe because it was just a fantastic recipe.

sincere thanks goes to the lovely lady of crockpot 365, she maybe addicted to her crockpot and i love her for that, but her recipes are also awesome and so is her blog :)

photo fun challenge day 18: eyes
my boy, he barely knew i was there, he was busy building
a lego technic model ... love him and his eyes :)

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