Monday, August 8, 2011

day sixty: scrabble word art

the finished scrabble word art :)
 day sixty and i am determined not to put you through another icy cool beverage today, so we are going to make some scrabble word art!  pinned to my general crafts board on pinterest is the inspiration for today's creation from photographer J M Barclay, who has a wonderful etsy shop with heaps of amazing wall worthy photography you can buy.
i went to my very first ikea store last night (i was in heaven!) and picked up two frames that i thought would be about the right size for the scrabble words i would be using.  for this project my neice and newphew are going to get some art for their bedroom walls :)

the supplies needed, plus your choice in glue ;)
i used some scrapbook paper for the backgrounds (you could even use the scrabble base for the background) and decided to use the matte provided in only one of the frames so i could see both effects.  the scrabble letters are the plastic ones, but as this art is destined for the kids i thought they were perfect, i am still hunting for some wooden ones though.

little isla's new bedroom wall art
my sister is not a crafter most of the time (when she does she does an amazing job) so the glue supply was limited to a glue stick ... i kid you not, this project was completed with a glue stick!  if i was at home i would have powered up the hot glue gun and if i find some better glue in our travels, i will get some for when the letters fall off :)

sam's wall art
outcome: i am so please with these little creations, they have come up really well and lucky for me my sister and brother-in-law named their kids so well i could link their first and middle names :)  i am actually going to head back to ikea to get some more frames for my own kids ... yeah their frames will have to be bigger ... what was i thinking giving them long names like benjamin and pollyanna ;)

can i just say a big thank you to J M Barclay for todays inspiration ... i absolutely loved his home sweet home scrabble photograph, especially the background with the wooden letters ... i have just got to find some of those wooden scrabble tiles!

singapore update:  we are absolutely loving singapore, the culture, the food, the heat, the entertainment ...  and for those who are interested here are some of our holiday pic's so far ... for those who are not ... see you tomorrow for day sixty one!

the girls enjoying time together

new food AND utensils for pollyanna!

there are a lot of impressive buildings here :)

the kids were fasinated watching the roti's being made :)

the boys at the hawker center :)


  1. Cool project, they turned out great!

  2. what a cute idea!! I'm loving this 365 days of pinterest idea. if you get the chance, you should check out my blog. i post a lot of my pinterest finds as well :)

    - juliet

  3. Looks like you're having a great time in Singapore! (Pollyanna is one of my fave characters ever.) Isn't IKEA wonderful? Sigh ... Your scrabble word art turned out terrific! You're getting so many projects cranked out!

  4. Love this idea! Glad my kids also have names that work with this! Thanks :)

  5. hi everyone ... yes we are having a fantastic time .. i know, i really loved this creation and ikea is definitely a knew favourite shop :)

  6. Kirsty, I grew up with an Ikea store close-by when I lived in Europe. So so so glad that we have ANOTHER common thing we love now :D :D :D

  7. Cute frames !
    I am sure that you are ready to go back to Ikea to browse a little longer too ....
