Wednesday, December 14, 2011

day 188: easy christmas truffles

christmas truffles
day 188 and we have had such a fun day today, ending with an awesome dinner out to celebrate steve finishing his student loan .... good times!  this evening i wanted to make something to take to our dear neighbours jocelyn and noel for their christmas get-together on saturday.  these easy christmas truffles by kerryanne at shabby art boutique were definitely the type of thing i had in mind!  they are pinned to my christmas is coming board on pinterest.

i used a packet of original tim tams for the biscuit base (as suggested by kerryanne) which you simply whiz up then add 80grms of cream cheese and whiz again.  roll into balls and chill for an hour or two before dipping in chocolate.  the lovely kerryanne double dipped hers to look like christmas puddings and they look so cute.  for now i have just coated mine in milk chocoate as i realised i had nothing red to adorn the top of them with so the white chocolate topping will have to wait until i do!

the ingredients

rolled ready for the fridge

chocolate dipped truffles :)

outcome:  ok these looked too good not to be tasted, so we did ... and then we ALL went back for another!  shame there is no longer enough for taking across the road on saturday.  not to worry, they are so easy to make i will buy another packet of tim tams and make some more! if you are in need of something quick and easy to take to a christmas party, i can definitely recommend these, but maybe buy two packets and double the recipe so you can be sure to taste them ;)

many thanks to kerryanne at shabby art boutique for a very simple christmas recipe that really does help put the home made back into the holidays, as this recipe is neither time consuming or stressful and i so appreciate both those things at this time of the year :)


  1. You'll notice that I always have time to look at chocolate and sweet blog posts :) YUMMY!!!
    Jenny x

  2. I made these! Used Mint Treats for one lot and Macaroons for the other lot, and instead of dipping in chocolate I rolled them in dessicated coconut, old skool stylez . .
