Monday, December 19, 2011

day 193: gift wrapping

sweet, right ... these gifts are for my mum :)
day 193 and i DESPERATELY need to do some gift wrapping ... desperately!  so off to pinterest i went in search of ideas to make my presents look pretty :)  these gift wrapping ideas from design aglow were so gorgeous i pinned them to my gift wrapping and gift ideas board, found the brown paper and my ribbon box then set to work.

the collection of bits and bobs

the first one done ... love the brown paper :)

so pleased ... all are going to be wrapped in brown paper
next year!

outcome: i am still going ... hence this short post.  however, the progress is great and i am loving the brown paper, especially with the lace, so cute and who knew!  this is why i love my life so much, pinterest makes me do things SO much better than i used to :)

thanks so much to design aglow for all the inspiration and if you want to take it a step further, the website has wonderful instructions on how to use gift tags in photoshop :)

these are the presents that need sending tomorrow ... not as pretty as the brown paper ones, i am now a brown paper convert ;)


  1. I am a fan of brown paper too but did not use it this year. I like the white lacey ribbons with it.

    Several years ago, I used brown paper with red ribbon, the decorations were just small sprigs of evergreen with a candy cane tucked in. I think I got the idea from County Living magazine.

    in the states, brown paper is usually called Kraft paper.

  2. thanks rhonda! didn't know about the kraft paper, so many things differ in names from country to country ... LOVE the idea of red ribbon and sprigs of evergreen, that sounds like a must for my xmas wrappping next year :)

  3. We are definitely more eco friendly paper people now and tend to use the brown paper based wrapping rolls with printed designs on them....the colours are much more fun :)
    Love your lacy ribbons too.
    Jenny x

  4. These look fabulous! I love that you can customize the Kraft paper for any holiday.
