Wednesday, December 21, 2011

day 195: little stockings for the kittens

the completed kitten stockings
day 195 and we need some little stockings for our kittens ;)  the peeps are very keen for their kittens to have stockings so today i set aside some time to help them with this project.  i found some really easy stockings that had an A4 pattern you could download on pinterest and pinned the image to my 2011 advent crafts board.  the tutorial for the stockings comes from amy at diary of a quilter, who was guest posting on ucreate.

i absolutely loved that amy provided an A4 template for the stocking shape and then provides really detailed instructions on how to make these fully lined cuties.

the template and fabric i used

half way their ... love that it is sewn all in one!

the finished stockings all ready for the peeps to decorate :)

outcome:  a real pleasure to help the peeps make these.  i did the cutting and sewing, the peeps did the ironing and decorating (we were all a bit tired today to further their sewing lessons).

sincere thanks to amy at diary of a quilter for providing a simple, but totally lined stocking that is the PURRFECT size for our kittens and the goodies santa may fill them with ;)

christmas must be fast approaching, my posts are getting shorter!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I'm embarrassed to say that my boys don't have any stockings! :( Such a bad mummy...
