Thursday, January 5, 2012

day 210: valentines day card

the finished card ... should have used the flash sorry!
day 210 and i am making a valentines card today using a very sweet card from K Werner Design for inspiration. i found this card on pinterest and thought it was so cute and loved how simple but effective it was.  i pinned it to my paper crafts board for a rainy day.  ok so it didn't rain today but i am having so much fun playing with the my memories software i figured trying to replicate this card using it sounded like a good idea for inside play ... so i pretended it was raining so i could stay inside and be crafty!

below is kristina's original card. isn't it perfect for valentines.  i absolutely love all the little details with the stitching and the offset button.  i became addicted looking at all her beautiful cards this evening and the little details she adds to all her cards are so cool.  as an added bonus she does a lot of video tutorials for card making, which is really helpful for non-card makers like myself!

such a pretty card :)

so on to my memories i went ...

and created this ....

not too bad for someone less than tech savvie!  the actual square was 5" x 5" when printed out.

i then matted it onto some card 11' by 5.5" so it was nice and sturdy :)

outcome:  pretty good, even if i do say so myself!  the software made it super duper easy and while i prefer the more 3D effect, at least i know i can make cute, personalised cards i can print in no time if i need something in a hurry ... which is often the case because i am easily distracted by crafts and pretty things on pinterest, and then all the awesome crafty blogs that i find thanks to pinterest ... yeah, that pinterest eats up a lot of your day ;)

a big thanks to kristina at K Werner Design for the gorgeous inspiration and the ideal excuse opportunity to play around with the my memories software again today!

speaking of which, don't forget to leave a comment so you can enter to win the software free, even if it's just to say hi :)


  1. That is a supercute card - love the button! And don't think I mentioned it but I'm diggin' your new blog layout!

  2. I'm not a fan of V-Day at all, but these are cute!

  3. Love the digi card, they're a lot easier to send so definitely have a place in crafting:)
    Great new blog header too.
    Jenny x
