Sunday, February 12, 2012

day 248: lunch notes for the peeps

such happy looking lunch notes all laminated and ready to write on :)
day 248 and it's another quick but thoughtful solution today, lunch notes ... today's creation isn't for valentines but will definitely let your peeps know you are thinking of them ... even at school ... or for us home schooler's a good thing to put under a sandwich or on their plate as a bit of fun.  there are heaps of lunch notes available to download for free, but i liked these ones from chickabug which can be personalised.  i have a whole bunch pinned to my home school projects board on pinterest.

the chickabug notes are freely downloadable for personal use.  i decided to laminate them so lunch wouldn't ruin the notes before they found them  ... who am i kidding, i just love to laminate things! these notes are ideal for those of us who have both sexes as there is a boys colour combination and a girls one so no one should be unhappy with the colour palette :)  there are also blank ones and helpful starters in each colour combo so you don't even have to think too hard in the morning or whenever you are going to write on them .... something i will definitely appreciate as morning is my favourite part of the day ;)

and for a little bit of fun these school joke lunch notes from peonies and poppy seeds (cute name for a blog) are also cool so i printed and laminated them as well. i figured the best idea for lunch notes was to print a whole heap off and then have them ready to go otherwise in the muddle of the morning it might be one of those things that just gets forgotten about :)

love that she provides the versatility of blank lunch notes and ones that are for certain occasions

who doesn't love a good school joke?

does anyone else love laminating as much as i do?  or should i seek treatment?

i love that i now have a huge pile of lunch notes ready to last me through term one ... then i can find some more!
outcome:  i am a bit of a romantic, so i love this type of thing!  hopefully it these "things" my peeps will remember as adults and make the extra effort for their peeps if and when they have them.  these lunch notes i never would have thought to do without seeing the inspiration on pinterest, and that's just another reason why i adore ben for starting up pinterest with his crew ... the inspiration and the 'get up and create' it has given me  is beyond words :) (ok, gush over!)

my thanks to chickabug and peonies and poppy seeds for the gorgeous free printable lunch notes ... and the fact they were freely available is just awesome.

i am still not able to sit for very long at the computer or a sewing machine thanks to my hamstring, hopefully given another week i will be back to being able to do more craftiness instead of little tidbits :) don't forget my new zealand give away starts tomorrow and i WILL have photo's of the classroom uploaded for those that wanted to see ... in the meantime, enjoy the rest of your weekend :)


  1. I'm impressed that you have a laminating machine! LOL! These are super cute and I think special little things like lunch notes do get remembered and make a big impact.

  2. What a cute idea....James would love the jokes, he would want to stand up and read them aloud to the whole dinner hall though!!
    Jenny x
