Tuesday, February 14, 2012

day 250: happy valentine's day

happy valentine's day everyone ... hopefully you have been shown some love by someone special today!

day 250 and we had a lot of hearts around our home today ... i was very lucky and woken at 6am this morning by my sweet husband who had made me a pinterest inspired crepe paper rose ... I KNOW ... apparently he figured he should do something pinteresty to show how much he loved me, well it took my breath away so i'm keeping him for good ;)
our very festive looking dinner for valentines :)

today's creations were inspired by all the hearts i have seen pinned all over pinterest in the last couple of weeks.  i started with making the peeps heart shape sandwiches for lunch .. they were very appreciated!

heat shaped sandwiches for lunch

i then made dessert for tonight in heart shaped moulds ... jelly topped with chocolate mousse :)  they went down an absolute treat this evening.

everything just tastes better in a heart i reckon!

for our actual dinner we had home made chicken burgers with heart shaped cheese and these egg in a heart shaped basket thingees!  the valentine's day egg in the basket things were inspired by these ones from petite kitchenesse.  it was a beautiful evening, so everything ended up on the bbq and it looked very romantic with all the hearts floating around!

the ingredients for the heart shaped egg baskets :)
the chicken burgers definitely tasted better with heart shaped cheese ;)

our heart shaped dinner was delicious ... not fabulous for the 17 day diet, but too good to miss!

along with yesterday's red velvet cupcakes and all the heart shaped eating today, the 17 day diet took a day off ... oh well, back to it tomorrow.  in the meantime, the valentine's food we ate today was absolutely delicious and perfect for getting us into the spirit created by st valentine :)

my thanks to all the wonderful valentine's inspiration i have seen on pinterest, especially to petite kitchenesse for inspiring such a cool heart shaped eggy bread.

finally don't forget to leave a comment, all those that do throughout this week go in the draw to win a box of new zealand goodies ... i will show you some things we have been collecting tomorrow ... :)


  1. Wow what a ❤ themed day you had....love the heart shaped egg in the bread :0)
    Jenny x

  2. So fun! I love all the hearts and love in the air. :)

  3. These are some great ideas. I love the melting heart cheese... maybe that's what I'll do tonight. I was trying to think of something our 6-year-old would get a kick out of. I'm surprised it wouldn't melt out of shape, though? Here are some sweet ideas for Valentine's Day too if interested: http://www.studiox3.com/6-dangerously-delicious-valentines-desserts/

  4. Heehee, I love that you pencil the dates on your eggs - I do too. :)

  5. I meant to do the heart egg in toast and forgot! Maybe we can do that for dinner tonight!

  6. I was wondering what the numbers on your eggs were! Despite my dislike of cheese the hearts are super cute and a lovely Valentine's touch!
