Monday, February 27, 2012

day 262: a christmas quilt block

the finished quilt block ... cute even if i do say so myself!
totally forgot to blog about yesterday's creation because it was done first thing in the morning on a busy day!  it was a classic case of done and forgotten :)

day 262 and today's creation i have wanted to start for a couple of years but never had the confidence or know how to do.  today, i thought i would take the plunge and make a start.  a couple of years go when my gran passed away, mum found all these little christmas cross stitches she had been made and also given in cards.  i really wanted to preserve them in a quilt but have been so intimidated by the whole quilting craft i have never done anything about it ... until today that is!

i was inspired by a paper piercing quilt block i had seen on pinterest by fairyface designs and that got me thinking ... i could make a paper pierce block each week until christmas and then put the quilt together during december, then it wouldn't be overwhelming or stressful!  i decided my blocks would be 8" x 8" squares and i would end up with about 40 of them, so that will make a nice sized quilt for the sofa :)

as i mentioned, i was inspired by this design from fairyface designs (it's pinned to my quilting board) and used it as a guide for making a paper piercing pattern on a sheet of paper.   i then photocopied it so i could use the same pattern again throughout the quilt and began sewing with a very cute little vintage santa :)

these are my gran's little christmas cross stitches i want to preserve :)

these quilting fats were given to me by ben for christmas, he was really excited i was going to use them finally, but asked that i make a real quilt not a rag one with them as he didn't like that one!  thanks for the honesty ben!
today's little cross stitch i used with my paper piece pattern

outcome:  i've started!  i was really close to my gran and so this one of those projects that is very dear to my heart ... i didn't want to stuff it up because it's not like i can replace them :)  i feel a sense of relief now and am really happy to have it underway ... it was an absolutely bonus the the quilt block lots cute too!

my greatest thanks to fairyface designs for giving me the inspiration to finally start this project ... and also to my dear friend dee who showed me how to paper piece before xmas, which gave me the confidence to undertake this creation ... you rock my sweet :)


  1. What a beautiful way to preserve your grandmother's cross stitches. It's going to be a gorgeous quilt. :)

  2. So cute!! I love that you got to keep your Grandma's memory alive through them. Too precious. :)

  3. Awww that's a brilliant way to keep those little masterpieces of sewing and making it bit by bit is a great idea too:0)
    Look forward to seeing the finished piece come Christmas.
    Jenny x

  4. Such a clever treatment for x-stitch or embroidered pieces!
