Tuesday, February 28, 2012

day 264: ranch dressing mix

whip this lot together and you have your own homemade ranch dressing mix :) 
day 264 and i had a quandary until a few days ago.  a LOT of the recipes i was pinning to my recipe must do's board on pinterest called for a ranch dressing mix in the list of ingredients ...  no such thing have i found in new zealand, it's hard enough to find the tuscan seasoning ;)  this irked me no end because the recipes sounded so good and i wanted to try them! well wouldn't you know it, someone has done me a huge favour and pinned a homemade recipe for a ranch dressing mix to pinterest ... THANK YOU PINNERS!

so today's creation is to make the said ranch dressing mix from scratch so i can have it on hand to make, well, ranch dressing, but more importantly a whole pile of crockpot recipes that have it as a key ingredient!  now you are with me, right?  thankfully the clever erin from $5 dinners (which i now follow, who wouldn't!) gives us this recipe and the best part is it only has six ingredients~!  this took .. oh ... two minutes to make, amazing for a problem that was so serious.

the ingredients ... plus pepper
the finished ranch dressing mix :)  yes indeedy, these are happy days :)

outcome:  it's getting closer to autumn here and that crockpot is going to get some serious use over the coming months so no ranch dressing mix was becoming almost emergency status ... but alas if like me you can not find it at the grocers, you can now make it at home EASILY!  in the meantime, i couldn't wait to taste the flavour of this mix so i put it on the chicken we barbecued tonight and it was sensational ... yes, i love ranch dressing but not as much as i love my new favourite herb mix!

my biggest thanks goes to erin from $5 dinners for solving this major issue for me ... honestly where would i be without the lovely pinners of pinterest and people like erin who try to make the world a much better place for all of us ... my crockpot dinners for the coming season have been saved ;)


  1. Love that a missing ingredient won't stop you! Thank goodness for the Internet :0)
    Jenny x

  2. That's pretty awesome! I've never even considered making my own dressing until my Grandma was here for the Christmas holidays.

  3. What the heck did we do before the internet???
