Sunday, February 19, 2012

sneak peep number 4 for the new zealand goodies give away

there will be one final sneak peek tomorrow ... or maybe two ;)
ok, here it is as promised sneak peek number four ... if you are new, HI! you have come over at a great time as i am doing a new zealand box of goodies give away :)  all you have to do is leave a comment to enter and we are drawing the prize tomorrow night ... so get your comments in! 


  1. ooo, what fun! subway art? :)
    I just wanted to add that I enjoy reading your blog - I don't even remember now how I found it, but I'm glad I did! I'd like to say that seeing all your creations has inspired me to get off my lazy self and do some also but not yet... ha ha, still, thanks for sharing your projects! I hope you continue the blog after the year is up!

  2. I just returned from NZ...I might have seen this art in the airport, and just decided there was no way I could fit it into my carry-on ;)Ditto the first comment - hope you continue beyond 365!

  3. Ooooooo! What could it be?!

    What are you going to do when your 365 days are done...?! You're getting close!!

  4. Is that subway art I spy??? Awesome!
