Friday, March 2, 2012

day 266: 'we're nuts about you'

a really cute, versatile gift :)
day 266 and i need a quirky little gift to give our real estate agent tomorrow ... i am sure she thinks we are nuts, but to be honest she is the best real estate agent we have ever dealt with and i am sure at some stage will sell our house for us, especially with all the effort she puts in.  i am VERY aware it's not often you can say this about a real estate agent, we have had some real duds in the past!  anyway, she did some special things for us over the last week so this gift idea from debbie at the happy scraps seems like the perfect little gift for acknowledging her hard work :)  the idea is also pinned to my gift wrapping and gift ideas board on pinterest.

i decided on layering a selection of nuts, made a funky tag, added an angel charm my sweet friend dee made, some ribbon ... and we were good as done :)

the bits and bobs
the filled jar .. i love nuts, i hope she doesn't have any nut allergies  : 0
done, complete with ribbons, tag, and angel :)

outcome:  i'll let you know tomorrow, but i already have four other people who are all happy nuts i plan to gift these jars to also!

my sincere thanks to debbie at the happy scraps for this cool idea that has whimsy and gratitude written all over it, love it and so versatile for so many different occasions :)


  1. These are so cute! They would've been perfect for Valentine's Day

  2. So it's not just in the UK that estate agent is a rude word!!
    Sounds like you found a good'un, don't loose sight of her... We've had some right plonkers with our house moves!!!

    Anyway I digress , it's a great gift and I love Karas idea as a valentines pressie :0)
    Jenny x

  3. A fabulously punny gift! ;) And I love the little angel that Dee made!

  4. Thanks for the shout out to The Happy Scraps! :)
