Sunday, March 4, 2012

day 268: chicken and apple salad

the chicken and apple salad
day 268 and i wanted something light and yummy for dinner that used some of the already cooked chicken i had in the fridge.  i found this recipe from budget bytes for a chicken and apple salad on my recipe must do's board.  it sounded ideal, not too filling (we had a big yummy lunch, thanks lana!) and semi healthy!

the recipe is for 6 people so i halved it as it was just for steve and i.  you simply add the chicken, roughly chopped apple, and cranberries to a bowl.  the original recipe also adds in a diced red onion, but as i am not overly keen on raw onion i omitted it.  then you make a simply dressing to toss it in using one of my favourite ingredients, dijon mustard :)

the ingredients

put the main ingredients in a bowl, mix the dressing together and you are good to dress and eat :)

the finished salad, it was really good :)

outcome:  one word, yummy ... if you wanted others you could use fresh, easy to make, very quick, delicious, crunchy, economically sound, nice on the palette, time friendly ... you get the picture.  the next time i am in need of using some cooked chicken and want something simple and fresh, this will be on my hit list first :)

my thanks to beth at budget bytes for a really good recipe nobody could mess up and one the peeps will happily eat if i ever wanted to share with them :)  will definitely be back to budget bytes for more recipes if this one is anything to go by!

outcome for day 267:  pollyanna's little friend is fairing so much better today and it was wonderful to see her and give her a big hug.  as for the chick flick gift, she seemed to love it and will no doubt spend some time using the contents tomorrow as she recovers!


  1. Looks yummy too! Trouble is we never have any left over cold chicken because that's yummy and gets eaten all up as well!!
    Jenny :0)

  2. Hmmm... Can't really get on board with this one. For me, fruit and meat do not mix!
