Monday, March 12, 2012

day 276: great-grandma’s stew beef

day 276 and day 6 with steve.  before i get started i have a challenge for kirstys readers and followers out there.  hundreds of people visit kirstys blog each day.  a small group of you regularly leave comments and i thought this would be a great time for some of the shyer people out there to come out and tell kirsty what you think of her blog in general, or perhaps what your favourite blog entry was......better yet if this has inspired you in any way to try one of kirstys blog entries.
to be honest, part of me is wondering if my efforts (complete with kiwi blokey humour) might have turned some people off the this is also about my piece of mind.

anyhow the weather here today is cold and wintery.  we also had more doctor appointments throughout the day so i thought a crock-pot meal would be perfect.  my taste is pretty old-school and nothing is more old-school than great grandmas stew beef which i found in kirstys recipe must do board on pinterest.  its easy and chances are you have all the ingredients in the pantry so no excuses not to give it a try right?
no eggs required so they are happy.....
throw in cubed beef, pepper, onions, sage, onion soup mix and water......easy
oops.....collateral damage
time to thicken, and lastly add the parsley
served with brown rice and silverbeet........grandma says "you got to have your greens sonny"
outcome:  amazing really.  perfect combination of flavours, there was no need to even add any salt!  there is also enough left over for tomorrow night where we will try this with mashed potato.  we all loved the meal as evident with ben lining up for seconds.
initially i was a bit sceptical when i saw onion soup mix in the ingredients.  was this really around when great-grandma was cooking for the family?  read the original posting on where it explains how this recipe evolved over time to what it is now (click 'backstory' link next to 'recipe' tab).  im sure great-grandma would be amazed at the global efforts taken to recreate this meal.
ben lining up for seconds......excuse the hat, we are getting ready for st patricks day


  1. I love a bit of kiwi bloke humour! I also love egg-related humour (I'm a bit of a chook-enthusiast . .)

    I usually make things from Kirsty's blog in the school holidays when life is a little calmer. I LOVE seeing things come up on Pinterest after I've already made them! (It was the flannel/toothbrush holder today.)

  2. I love the blog. I have made the project from earlier in the year the "break in case of emergency' photo frame with a voucher in it.
    I really like your blog posts too steve. Would be great if Kirsty let you sub in occasionally when she's better.

  3. Fabulous idea, Steve! I declare today "Kirsty Appreciation Day"! And I also declare that the stew look pretty amazing.

    Give Kirsty an extra big hug for me today! (But go easy on the back...)

  4. Steve - I think you're hysterical! And I love this blog. It's very inspirational to know someone is actually making all the stuff the rest of us just pin. Tell Kirsty to keep up the good work!

  5. I've been reading Kirsty since almost the beginning! I comment occasionally, but probably less than I should!

    This stew looks AMAZING!!! Its only 9am and I'm already hungry for dinner!

    I think you are such a great husband for stepping up to help Kirsty complete her challenge. That's really awesome of you. I've quite enjoyed your posts as well!

  6. I've been reading since nearly the beginning (I actually don't know how I found her....) but I rarely comment. I see that I should. :) Love the humor, love the homeschooling, and love the holidays. All of it fits with our homeschool family life in the US. Some I've tried and some I've pinned for later. The food has definitely earned a place on our table! And, for what it's worth, love the humor. I look for the egg daily now. It's sort of like your own version of Where's Waldo!

    Feel better, Kirsty! We miss your posts, but you've left us with lots of chuckles. :)

  7. I love the blog and the kiwi bloke humor is fun!

    Pinterest has so many incredible ideas, it's inspiring to see Kirsty actually putting them to use regularly!

  8. I always look forward to seeing the project of the day, whether it is posted by Kirsty or Steve! I hope Kirsty's back feels better soon. In the meantime, Steve, your posts crack me up! Especially the egg faces. :)

  9. Yum yum.... Can't go wrong with a delicious stew in a crock pot :0)
    See you got the escapee!!!!
    Your doing a sterling job Steve, keeping the pinterest challenge going, I bet Kirsty's impressed.
    I'm so glad I found you through Jen :0)
    Jenny x
