Wednesday, March 21, 2012

one day late ...

hello all, it's been a couple of days since posting sorry.  unfortunately i had a trip to the hospital due to a reaction to some of the medications i am on for my back.  i require an operation (in a week or two hopefully) to fix a problem with my back causing crushed nerves down my left side so life is a little complicated until that is fixed.

thanks mo for updating on yesterday's comments.  the good news is i had my first trip in an ambulance, the bad news is i can't remember much of it!
the good news is steve also got his first trip in an ambulance and he remembers it, the bad news is he spent his time doing that and not helping finish the pinterest creation we had started before i was whipped away ... geez i don't understand this guys priorities ;)
the good news is i am now home and recovering, the bad news is i have even more medication to take to counteract the effects of the other meds!
the bad news is we missed a day in pinterest creating, the good news is we will carry on and just finish one day later than originally scheduled.
the bad news is this is totally gutting to me, the good news is it's not going to stop me finishing my personal challenge :)
the good news is the eggs seem relatively unaffected by the family's experiences over the last two days (there are just more of them now!), the bad news is steve will still probably find a way to make sure they keep popping up in each blog post ... sorry!

i will be back later today with a creation and the creation we had started the other day, which is now also complete ...
standard hospital accessory to go with pretty gown (no photo of gown!)
eggsactly what kirsty is doing right now


  1. Oh, poor baby! I think you're so far in and your followers are all so loyal that if it takes you 400 days no one will mind . . . (Except maybe you!)

  2. So glad you're doing better - how scary!! Glad Steve enjoyed his trip in the ambulance. Did they turn the siren on for him? As for the challenge - don't forget that you had that extra day due to Leap Year!
    Hope you are feeling as good as that egg seems to be! :)

  3. Wishing you a big get well from the US. Maybe this is why you had your challenge during a leap year. You already had a bonus day in there just in case you needed a do-over. :)

  4. Oh Kirsty, this was the last thing you needed on top of a back problem!!! So glad you're back home and recovering......someone needs to keep those eggs in check :0)
    Jenny x
