Wednesday, April 25, 2012

day 319: ANZAC cake

this cake is divine, the coconut is so delicious with the golden syrup mixture :)
day 319 and it is the day we remember our fallen and those that have served our country ... lest we forget.  i found this ANZAC cake on pinterest a couple of weeks ago and figured it would be perfect to make for ANZAC day.  the recipe comes from cooking for the gang and is pinned to my lest we forget board.

no help from the peeps today, i was no my own but i am sure they will turn up with the smell of baked goods wafting from the house.  the recipe is really straightforward and requires pretty basic ingredients, although i did have to wait for the chookies to lay an egg as i only had one in the pantry ... that took awhile, after being inundated with eggs over the last several months we are now a bit lean in this area thanks to winter getting closer.

it smelt SO good it was hard to wait for it to cool before icing :)

the iced cake ... 

this was steve's first piece of THREE he had tonight ... honestly

outcome:  i think this cake could fast become an ANZAC day tradition :)  it was beautiful, my only worry is only having in once a year!

my thanks to cooking for the gang for this great recipe. love the idea behind her blog for using it as a "family cookbook" for when her children have moved away from home and want to know how to make food they had from their childhood.  such a great legacy to leave :)

1 comment:

  1. The chickens are probably afraid to lay eggs after all Steve's terrorizing of them!! Glad you managed to get one though as this cake looks super yummy!! Any luck getting me the tacking info? The post office ladies wouldn't even entertain helping me without one.
