Friday, April 27, 2012

day 321: 'admit one' ticket frame

the photo is terrible, it looks WAY better in person!
day 321 and who else has a stack of tickets and memorabilia subs that you don't know what to do with but don't want to get rid of either?

the GROWING pile of ticket memorabilia 

i can see you all nodding ;) and i have found the perfect idea on pinterest on how to deal with that mounting pile.  this 'admit one' frame by kirsten johnson solves the problem perfectly.  the tickets are condensed in one place, are on "show" so are a constant source of happy memories and it saves them for future generations to laugh at ... what could be better!  kirsten johnson made this and pinned it to her DIY board and i am so pleased she did because now i can solve my ticket storage problem.

For this project you need a shadow or box frame, some patterned paper, alphabet stickers, and that daunting pile of ticket subs.

the bits you need to complete this project

cover the backboard with your patterned paper 

use the alpha's for the admit one box "title"

i didn't put a slot in the top just chucked them in the frame, front side down.  i figured it doesn't take a lot to open the back of this frame so i could put them easily without a top drop slot.

the finished ticket box :)  sorry about the flash it's late :(

outcome: well i like, the peeps are already laughing at their ma and pa, steve said it was one of his favourite pinterest ideas ... so it's a pass with flying colours :)  as an organisation freak, this ticks so many boxes and gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling for the organisational bliss alone.

my sincere thanks to kirsten johnson for making my day today.  it was a long day dealing with all sorts of things and this project was the highlight :)  my thanks also to mishry for the craft products i used on this project, they are amazing and i WILL definitely be back for more :)


  1. There really is an idea for everything isn't there? This is brilliant and such a cool piece of decor! I really can't wait to see your house one day with all this awesome stuff on display!

    The dogs LOVE those spare rib treats! Jem is normally super picky in the treat department (yes, he's a bit weird) and Atti usually ends up stealing his treats because he's too slow to eat them. However, he scarfed down that rib in no time - no chance for Atti to get near it!

  2. This looks do-able.....whereas scrap-booking them just never happens!! Great talking point too :0)
    Jenny x
