Friday, May 11, 2012

day 335: back-to-school granola bars

back-to-school granola/muesli bars
day 335 and my quest to find peanut free granola/muesli bars continues today with a different recipe found on pinterest.  this recipe from three many cooks intrigued me because it only used one ingredient to bind the bars together, condensed milk.  in my world that sounded really easy for making homemade muesli/granola bars so it was definitely worth trying.  the recipe is pinned to my recipe must do's board, just like all other recipes i think i should really do from pinterest because of the beautiful images ... i'm definitely a visual person :)

the recipe also has a list of dry ingredients to use, of which, i had few so i had to do some altering to the list.  i did use the 2 cups of rolled oats, the 1/2 cup of chocolate chunks, and the 1/2 cup of cranberries.  instead of the cup of almonds i used 1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds and 1/2 cup of sesame seeds.  the wehat germ was also substituted with LSA (a linseed almond meal).  for this recipe you simply toss everything into a bowl, mix, then pat into a lined tray.  the mix then goes into a moderate oven for 30 minutes.  if these bars work, i can feel an ah-ha moment coming ....

the dry ingredients and all you do to finish the recipe is add the wet ingredient, the condensed milk :)
into the oven it went ...

out it came, and while healthy, even garfield looked like he would enjoy it with his cuppa ;)

outcome: YUMM-O ... no need to try any further recipes for a peanut butter free granola/muesli bar, the answer is this recipe :) and it is the easiest to make by far!

my sincere thanks to three many cooks for this recipe.  this granola/muesli bar recipe is going to save me a lot of time and effort with regards to making a healthy snack for the peeps (and i!) ... judging by the success and style of this recipe i am bound to find others on your website that will need to be tried :)


  1. This is very like one my friend Laura uses to make her daily granola bars, they are so good, whenever I stay over I get one for breakfast! She uses this one: Yum yum!

  2. Anything with Garfield in the background has got to be good!

  3. Definitely think the addition of chocolate helped too :0)
    Jenny x
