Monday, May 14, 2012

day 338: felt tea bags

and just because tea comes in various types, i figured isla should have a couple of choices too ;)

day 338 and today i am making some felt play food for my little niece isla.  she is three and FULL of beans, loves spending time in her room drawing on things she shouldn't, and also loves spending time whipping up all sorts of goodies in her play kitchen.  i figured she needed some extra things for her kitchen and found heaps of different felt "foods" on pinterest to make.  the tea bags had me though as her mum is a great drinker of tea and they came with an awesome tutorial from lil blue boo.  the tutorial is also pinned to my gift wrapping and ideas board on pinterest.

the tutorial from ashley at lil blue boo is fantastic and she even uses wild rice to fill her felt tea bags to give them a tea look.  unfortunately for me i didn't have any wild rice but as they were quite small they puffed up a bit with the sewing and actually didn't need filling.  i had mo (my sister) show me on skype the size of isla's tea cups and they needed to be quite a lot smaller than the ones ashley made so i did away with getting the sewing machine out and hand sewed them.  the only other change i made to these ones was to use sticky back felt for the tabs.  the tabs are tiny for these little tea bags so the sticky felt made more sense to use rather than a couple of stitches ... oh who am i kidding, the sticky felt made life easier on a busy day and meant i didn't need to do anymore sewing than i had to!

the bits and bobs to make felt tea bags

the tea bags sewn together with their strings awaiting tabs 

the sticky back felt i used to make the tabs, one for each side :)

the finished tea bag ready for a cuppa!

outcome:  so incredibly cute, polly wanted me to make some for her barbie ... i said SHE could make some for her barbie as barbie ones were WAY too small for mum to make without throwing things!  she is going with the sticky back felt for her barbies ... wise decision ;)  i hope isla will love these as much as polly and i do :)

oh to be small and have fun felt shaped food ... or daughters small enough to want LARGE felt foods ... thank heavens for nieces who are small enough!  great thanks to ashley for the teabag tutorial, it made me want to venture into felt foods, who wouldn't with something as cute as felt teabags :)


  1. Good call on the Barbie tea bags. I have images of pin cushions and spools of thread flying around the room! LOL! I'm sure Isla will love these - just hope she doesn't dunk them in water!

  2. Such fun ! Lol at Jens comment.... If they do get in water they'll be a perfect I've for Barrie!!!!
    Oh to play pretend again *sigh*...... Felt pizza would be cool :0)
    Jenny x

  3. Darn spell check..... That should say "perfect size for Barbie"
