Saturday, May 19, 2012

day 343: day 342: day 341: all rolled into one nice little (not) post

the apples from day 342 :)
days 34.... and i have been down to tauranga with my mum laying to rest her mum/my gran.  it was a tiring but happy time with all the family and i loved seeing many whom i haven't seen in ages ... too long.  i decided on some felt creations to make while i was away so i didn't need to take all my crafty stuff with me!  i was so pleased i had taken the time to print out the patterns before i left as i got absolutely no wifi reception at the motel we were staying at.  lovely (older) owners who were desperately kind but had no idea about technology!  they tried hard each day while i was out to hook me up but without luck.  as i only had time late in the evening to be crafty and didn't have time during the day to excuse myself to an internet cafe i was stuck calling steve with the details!

the boy cuzzies :)

day 341 i made a gorgeous felt mug of hot cocoa, tutorial and template from flamingo toes who was guest posting on a glimpse inside.  this tutorial is also pinned to my winter wonderland board on pinterest. it is so cute and my aunties were very impressed with my sewing :) i told them it had improved over the year of pinterest creating ... i loved how the little marshmallows look like best friends so i am actually going to attach it to a frame and give it to polly's little friend with a picture of them inside ... then i am going to make some more for some sort of winter décor thing-a-me ...

it was late when i took this photo .,. clearly my eyes were seeing double!

so even though this photo shows them unfinished at least you can see the cocoa in this one!  i will take a photo of the completed one when i unpack tomorrow .. too tired to tonight!

day 342 and i was back to sewing with felt today but this time it was apple coasters, tutorial from the purl bee.  the tutorial is pinned to my autumn comfort board and i am getting in just in time before autumn turns to winter!  i loved making these and chatting with my aunts on our last night in tauranga!  they were such good support and my mum kept on making hot drinks to keep me going :)  i made two, one with a bite out of it.  i didn't quite have the right green to make green ones so they were both rosy red.  They weren't too hard to make and i have really loved all the things i have made from the purl bee over the last (almost year) of pinterest creating.  the tutorials are always so brilliant, easy, and user friendly ... definitely a place i go often for inspiration :)

happiness in apple coasters :)

and today, day 343 we drove home, and then had polly's best friend's birthday this afternoon ... it was a BUSY day!  the party was awesome and hayley's face was priceless when she saw her new barbie house steve had made her, so cool :)  i came home from the party and was exhausted, and was looking for something to make when i stumbled over this pin on my pinterest winter wonderland board.  the pin comes from a season for all things an steve has been putting in some long work hours the last couple of weeks, leaving without breakfast.  i thought these little ready-to-go oatmeal/porridge packets would be perfect for him over winter to take to work. something easy and hot he can put together when he arrives at work, making sure he starts the day with a decent brekkie ... and as a bonus hopefully i will earn some brownie points after all he has had to to for me this year!  the oatmeal pin comes from a season for all things and is an adaptation of a recipe from life as mom.

the ingredients

the added ingredients :)

i used the recipe as was except for omitting the sugar (on account of steve being a diabetic) and added sultanas and coconut instead for some sweetness.  it looked really good in the pack and knowing all you have to do is pour it into a bowl with 2/3 cup of boiling water and leave it to stand for a couple of minutes sounded really good to me!  we will have to wait to see how this one pans out for steve, i'll let you know :)

steve's breakfasts all ready to go :)

my sincere thanks to all the lovely blogs that have helped me complete a pinterest creation each of the last three days: flamingo toesa glimpse insidepurl bee, and a season for all things ... all great sites with so many wonderful ideas.  that's it from me, i'm off to bed :)


  1. Oh good lord, I thought 'flamingo toes cocoa ornament' was a JOKE title! But it's real! Hahaha! :)

  2. Wow what an eventful few days and still you amaze me with your Pinterest makes!!!
    Love the coasters....I agree the mallows look like good buddies.
    So good to hear you caught up with all your family for such a touching occasion :0)
    Jenny x

  3. Glad you got to catch up with some family - those fuzzier are so cute! Also cute - those little felt creations. They actually look quite yummy! And good idea on the breakfast front. Gotta keep Steve fed and happy!! Big hugs to you all!
