Wednesday, May 23, 2012

day 347: getting ready for winter with some cool looking subway art

the framed subway art with the happy snowmen!
day 347 and we are continuing to count down the days as we draw close to the end of 365 days of pinterest creations.  at which time it will also be winter and i need some festive winter décor to warm up my heart for this cold, rainy season :)

i found the perfect winter subway art from funky polkadot giraffe (such a cool name for a website!) that completely matches the scarf colours of my snowmen i made on day 315.  the free subway art is also pinned to my winter wonderland on over on pinterest.

i then found a frame (its an 8" x 10" print) and put it in ... ahhhh, i am done and i have made something pretty and it only took 10 minutes ... really no excuses for not having a bit of subway art up in your home when it's this easy and beautiful ;)

print and frame ... 

and done ... but it's so impressive for so little time ;)

outcome:  really, what's not to like, the time it took was tiny, the effect (because i love subway art at the moment) is gorgeous, and on top of all that my home looks like i am starting to enjoy the coming changing of the seasons even if that means its wintery and cold.

many thanks to funky polkadot giraffe for this sweet piece of FREE subway art that has made a great addition to the winter decor starting to appear around the house ... and fantastic colours to go with my happy snowmen :)


  1. Hey Kristy.... have been following your 365 day pinterest challenge for a few months now and I'm so impressed!!!! You are truly an inspiration!

    can't wait to see the 365th product :)


  2. Love subway art. It looks great! Thanks for guest hosting Thank you for linking up to A Pinteresting Party. :)

  3. Oooh! There's those adorable snowmen again! They look perfect with the subway art and the name of that website is awesome!
