Tuesday, May 29, 2012

day 353: crockpot baked apples

happiness is an easy dessert for the family ... fill and walk away ;)
day 353 and it seems that the usually busy winter schedule is starting early and life already appears somewhat chaotic~!  it is times like this the crockpot seems to be overworked thanks to its ability to cook and bake while i'm not around, and today was another day it was asked to work twice as hard.

it first made the rotisserie chicken then in went dessert ... baked apples thanks to this pin i found on pinterest.  the recipe is from the skinny chef and looked way too easy to make giving me some cheap brownie points with the family for making dessert!  the recipe is pinned to my recipe must do's board.

it took no time to prepare the apples and fill them with the mix before setting them in the crockpot on high for an hour or two (depending on your apples, see why below!).  i didn't have any orange liquor so i substituted this with mandarin juice (we have a LOT of mandarins on the trees at the moment).

the ingredients

my lil helper filling the apples

my lil helper taking the photo for pinterest ;)

the finished product ... soft and fluffy but not too aesthetically pleasing ... you crisp eating apples people!

outcome:  they were done after just an hour.  i used granny smith apples that are fantastic for stewing and desserts ... you know the type that bake really quickly!  potentially not the best idea of mine given i walked away from them thinking they would take a couple of hours.  don't get me wrong they were absolutely delicious but didn't want to hold their shape as well as eating apples would ... just as well i was only serving them up to the family ;)  next time i make these, and i most definitely will, i will use nice crisp apples that won't melt at the sight of heat ... apart from that, the brownie points i made doing virtually nothing were priceless :)

my thanks goes to the skinny chef for the brilliant winter recipe that will become a staple in my home because, lets face it, i love easy things and this ranks right up there!


  1. Hi Kirsty! Thanks for stopping by my blog, leaving me a comment and becoming my follower! You're so sweet! I'm following you back!
    By the way..those apples look yummy!
    Hugs from Spain

  2. Yummy! And I love Polly's nail polish!

  3. This is too cool! And good to know that it lasts a while before melting. I will definitely be trying it! :-)

  4. Oops! HAHA! I commented on the wrong post! Not that this isn't cool too, but I already commented here. The last one was supposed to be for the hot cocoa hearts. lol

  5. Baked apples are the best...we fill ours with marzipan and dried fruit!!
    Never tried them in the slow cooker but I use Bramleys so couldn't fit more than two in!!
    Jenny x
