Friday, June 1, 2012

day 356: fabric on walls!

polly's new barbie garden thanks to ironing fabric on walls ... can you hear the glee in my voice!

day 356 and i have been DESPERATE to try this idea since i pinned it a couple of months ago but thought i had better wait until we move into our new home before i deface any walls!  ironing fabric on walls totally intrigues because of the awesome and endless possibilities that it could open up.  i have given up waiting for our house to sell and decided to attack pollyanna's barbie house walls with some iron and fabric :)

this idea i found on this thrifty house who found it from the brassy apple ... i love that both ladies took a totally different idea for their iron wall art and they both came out fantastically.  i decided to start with some trees along the side of the house without the front door and some bushy shrubs would be a great start to pimping out polly's barbie house with fabric :)

i mocked up some templates for size then set to work cutting and adhering the bonding to the reverse side of the fabric.  then it was time to get down to ironing the trees and shrubs onto the actual house!

the magic ingredient for decorating walls with fabric ... this is what bonds the fabric to the wall ;)

the boring façade of polly's barbie house :)

the finished wall ... happy with a new garden!

outcome: there is nothing better than spending a friday night pimping out a barbie house with fabric, heat'n'bond, and an iron ... it was so much fun, i totally wish i had my own one to do!

many, many thanks to this thrifty house and the brassy apple girls for this wonderful crafty idea, i am totally pumped to move now just so i can graffiti our new home with fabric :)  .... come on house, SELL!


  1. Wow an instant garden!! never thought of bonding material to a wall before.... could be very expensive soft to touch wallpaper :0)
    Hope your house moving isn't too long and drawn out, been there! no fun at all!!
    Jenny x

  2. I cannot wait until you move so I can see your life sized pimped out house! In the meantime though Barbie looks pretty pleased with her new garden! :)
