Saturday, June 9, 2012

penultimate day: spray painting!

my new christmas friend, definitely reminds me of one of the reindeer but which one?
the penultimate day for pinterest 365 and i figured it was about time i got some spray painting done, i was prepared to spray paint ANYTHING today just to get some done before the end of the year.  i had LOTS on today so sent the rest of the family to the 2nd hand shop to find me something i could change the colour of.  they came back with this ... poor thing it looks as if it's seen a few christmas's and didn't have a lot of spirit left to give.  definitely a perfect candidate for makeover :)

becky higgins has spray painted a great many things to give them a second life and i love that she provides you with spray painting know-how in this post.  it's a really comprehensive list that gave me the confidence to take my reindeer out to the shed and give it a go.  the advice is also pinned to my general crafts board on pinterest.

i started with red and realised it wasn't a deep enough red to make it that really rich colour of christmas.  undeterred i decided to put a black on top and then do another coat of the red on top of that so it would give the red more depth.  after i had done the black it looked so cute in a warm chocolate colour i left it ... :)

the $5 find ... it was far more yellow it really life!

i masked over his eyes and nose before starting the spraying

i think it looks like comet ;)
outcome: this little reindeer will fight to see another festive season ... not finished with his trimming yet ... the christmas stuff is a little hard to get to today ... but the colour of his fur is much improved and gives me the perfect base to make him a little more festive at christmas with some bells etc :)

sincere thanks to  becky higgins for all the advice she offers in her various posts on spray painting.  i loved my first foray into this up-cycling area and have been going around looking at things i can redo with spray painting!


  1. Oh boy - why do I get the feeling that anything that stays still for too long is going to get covered in a coat of spray paint? LOL! Tell Ben he better not get lost in a book for too long a period of time or he might end up blue or something! :)

  2. Hi Kirsty, I'm back again...... Life just got busy, sorry to have missed following your party posts :0(
    I'm playing catch up now starting with this cute reindeer..... I wish I could find things like this in our secondhand shops, you've given him a new lease of life, can't wait to see how you decorate him :0)
    Jenny x
