Saturday, July 28, 2012

we are ready, bring on the olympics!

this is the ever changing chalk canvas that resides in our kitchen and is always changing, i added some felt rings with bluetac to complete it  :) tutorial for chalkboard canvas here

the british dinner was made last night,

roast beef and yorkshire puddings ... very tasty!

he loved the british dinner :)

the yorkshire puddings were totally new to polly and she loved them :)

the goody bags were handed out this morning,

i had my first ever walnut whip during the opening ceremony this morning (NZT), YUM!

the flags were hung out the front of our paddocks,

lucky for me it's a breezy day, so they look totally awesome ... but interesting to see if they survive the day out in that wind though!

the decorating was completed,

the four nations that make up great britain were aptly bought to life through lego ;)

ben made sure we had many olympic sports represented by our lego family, he did a great job with them :)

and we HAD to have some new zealand support going on ... we went with some large letters so no one can mistake who our number one team is ;)

the cupcakes were made,

we made over 60, some for steve's workmates, the peeps hockey teams, and our real estate agents :)

the peeps did a fantastic job of deocrating and making the cupcakes

 the peeps got busy making their 3D london buildings to add to the décor

hard at work
one of the finished london iconic buildings, they really are worth the investment as the peeps had the best time making them

and we are finally ready for the start of the games ... 
let the competition begin :)

i have linked up to the following parties :)

Thirty Handmade Days


  1. wow you guys really went to town didn't you. I love the cupcakes. really clever.

  2. Just wanted to let you know that I showcased your link to Food on Friday: Eggs today in a new weekly series "Need Inspiration?" Have a great week.

    PS It would be great if you turned off the "please prove you're not a robot" stuff!

  3. Yummy roast dinner.... yorkshire pud is my fave too :0)
    Looks like you're all set...... we're enjoying watching all the different sports and the opening ceremoney was spectacular :0)
    Jenny x

  4. That is one seriously yummy looking dinner and I am always a sucker for cupcakes! Diggin' those pjs too, peeps!! :)
