Sunday, April 21, 2013

HB Day 5: Love Grows

Its been a busy day at the orphanage today, we have been removing rubbish and the scrim from the walls trying to ready ourselves for the builder tomorrow! Very exciting but a little daunting all at the same time. As time was limited today for Pinterest creating I found a project that didn't take up too much time but boy does it have lots of meaning.

In our last house we, my extended family and I, lived between two houses, both on the same property and only a metre apart but it felt disjointed and to be honest it didn't work very well as we all tended to cluster in one house ... we are a family that enjoy each others company! Our new house is just the one dwelling for all of us and its one of the things that makes the orphanage so special to us.

This house has a history of making happy family memories in the most extended form! A couple of days ago we had a visit from one of the orphans who used to live here, Mabel. She and her two sisters were orphaned very young and grew up here. This was their home until they were 17. She spoke so fondly of the house and explained how there was about 25 children here and two nuns (the matrons!). It wasn't your everyday family but for Mabel, it was hers and she loved being part of it. In fact, today she lives just around the corner as she came back here many years ago to retire! I think with such good vibes this house will surely continue to provide lots more happy family memories!

When I read the quote on this cushion made by Stacy from he blog not just a housewife, I knew I wanted to have it in my own home. The lyrics from the song Little Houses by Doug Stone are so pertinent in today's world. Everything is made to be bigger and better but surely we spend less time with loved ones and more time trying to find them! The pillow is also pinned to my Family Room and Lounges on Pinterest.

I don't have a silhouette, but I do have a $5 linen pillow and a fabric pen that would do the job ... not perfectly but remember done is better than perfect any day ;) Love the pillow, love the quote, and feel so lucky to be making and creating from Pinterest when I end up with something that is dear to my heart.

I can't thank Stacy enough for being a slightly odd child and remembering such awesome lyrics for a family room throw pillow! Her blog is awesome if you are a DIYer it is definitely worth checking out.

1 comment:

  1. That is so spot on and a lovely way to preserve the sentiment too :0)
    Love your handwriting... if mine was like that I wouldn't need to buy stamps!! :0)
    Jenny x
