Wednesday, April 24, 2013

HB Day 8: Trim Painting

I found it really hard to take pictures of today's Pinterest inspiration ... it's more of a "use this advice and you will become a better painter" sort of a deal! I am not known as a perfectionist painter in my family, more of the RSB type of painter. Done is way better than perfect in my book ;) This time around I figured some friendly advice from painters pinned to Pinterest was a really good idea if I wanted my sweet but pedantic, likes things done just right but hates to paint himself husband from making too many complaints! That and the fact this is a really old house so nothing stands square, has crisp straight lines so the painting is going to make things look much better but not perfect and definitely not if I do my usual style of painting :)

Without doubt the most useful advice I found was on the family handyman ( This website has ten great tips that get you started on the right foot. Let me tell you I learnt a thing or two today that I definitely put into practise and even my sweet husband had some happy comments about my painting efforts today.

As instructed I started with all the trims. I need to put one more coat on them tomorrow and then its onto the walls. Very happy with progress today even though it was more time consuming than my usual effort ;) Ah well, at least the imperfections are fewer and soon I will be at the exciting walls where you get Big Bang for ya buck!! Incidentally, this is peep Bens room and we have a VERY cool feature going on two of his walls so stay tuned ... I can't wait :o)

1 comment:

  1. The perfectionist in me is what drives me crazy with decorating the house!! That and a hubbie that would rather be in the garden!!
    Looking forward to seeing your plans for Bens room :0)
