Friday, February 18, 2011


Our first week back at school has been great, totally happy with all the new resources I ordered ... maybe all the research and indecision about the best resource combination is paying off now!  At the time, I wondered how on earth I was going to make the right choices as educating your children seems to have so many options and which ones are the best when each one claims to be the best is distressing for someone who and actually has to make that choice and actually cares it works!  Anyway all the effort appears not to be in vain as the kids are totally loving the options I have taken in each subject area.  It will take time to get the sentence attitude right again ... only one sentence to answer a question is generally not enough Ben ... and so the struggle to get this boy and this girl writing again begins!  Its something that I look forward to, just like last years challenges were hard but joyful in solving so will this years as well because you know you are doing it for the good of your children's development.

One of the most fabulous things we have instigated this year is the "Six Kinds of the Best" achievements program purchased from Curriculum Concepts ... it has had an awesome effect this week, the kids have really strived to be their best as the rewards for doing it are instant plus have the added bonus of counting towards BIG rewards they both want!  Can't speak highly enough of the impact this is having on their attitude to their learning, themselves, helping, the environment, and their community .. just awesome. 

So I welcome the year full of hope and being well organised for the exciting year ahead.  Wishing all of you who home educate a wonderful, rewarding year with your children.

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