Sunday, June 12, 2011

a new beginning to my good old blog

my first post with my blog reborn as my personal venture into pinterest 365 (p365).  this blog will document my quest to attempt one of the beautiful recipes, crafts, or diy projects found on pinterest each day for 365 days.

it was a cold winters day, a friday when it occurred to me i needed to make the most of all the amazing talent and creativity available on my new addiction, pinterest .... a challenge is what i needed to get motivated and turn the beautiful eye candy i was pinning into reality .. and that is where my personal quest has come from.  so on friday, june 10 i embarked on my year long journey.

three days in and all is going well :) however i also realised i needed a way of documenting my journey so as not to lose the motivation and that is where this blog comes in. this blog will be my diary of the journey and also provide me the accountability i will no doubt need during the year to keep going.  if you are going to, or have started a similar journey i would love to have your company and we can cheer each other on.  if you are here because you support me as a pinterest addict and want to see my attempt to create other peoples beautiful projects, thank you ...

so let the year long journey begin :)


  1. Bravo to you for this challenge! I'm going to get caught up on your journey thus far and look forward to following you the rest of the way. Good luck!!

  2. thank you so much ... i am absolutely loving the challenge so far, but support is definitely the key :)

  3. I love what you're doing and imagine that Dad and the Kids do too. It's a great idea Kristy and I love how it involves your whole family. I hope you have a year full of happy adventures!

  4. This is a great idea! I wish you all the luck and success :-)
    I have a tip - save some 20 "easy" ones for those days you notice you only have like 10 minutes left and you have done nothing, or for days when you are sick.
