Sunday, July 24, 2011

day forty five: a whole lot of inspiring creations from pinterest

pineapple and prawn fried rice
day forty five and i just couldn't choose one project!  after a really busy week, it was nice to have extra time to create today ... and create i did!

the first creation was some shorts for the boy inspired by a pin on my general crafts board from saltwater kids ... there are some seriously good tutorials on sewing for the novice on this blog :)  emily at saltwater kids transforms a mens shirt into some stunning boys shorts.  unfortunately the only old shirt i had of steve's to chop up was a purple one so that wasn't going to work for my nine year old boy, but i did have some nice blue gingham cotton.  even if you don't have a shirt, you can definitely follow along with the tutorial and she gives you great advice on the how to's and know how and even steps you through making the pattern!

shorts for the boy :)
shorts outcome:  outstanding, i am NOT a seamstress but even i have to admit these shorts looked really good when i had finished them ... actually they were so good, so easy i had two pairs done by lunch!  thank you so much emily from saltwater kids for another wonderful crafty project that made me feel like i was a champion seamstress at the end of it!  her blog is full of crafty goodness and tutorials, totally worth looking at even if its just for craft eye candy :)

making the lemon curd
the next creation was inspired by a pin i found on the pinterest gallery early this morning ... lemon meringue pie!  the pie is pinned to my recipe must do's board and is from  it looked so good and as we have a tree laden with lemons, there seemed no excuse not to make one today (especially as my sweet mum said she was happy to help :))  ok, this recipe is not for the one bowl wonder bakers amongst us, so prepare for the dishes!
the absolutely delicious lemon meringue pie
lemon meringue pie outcome:  the finished pie looked so good, we couldn't hold out for dessert so we had it this afternoon!  and it was TOTALLY worth it and ALL the dishes.  its not too sweet, or too tart, just beautiful.  some lemon meringue pies i have had in the past have been overpoweringly sweet and one bite gives you a lolly headache!  this isn't like that, its a really nice balance between tang and sweet :)    ...    luckily there was enough left for dessert as well!

the final creation of today is pineapple shrimp fried rice pinned from skinny taste onto my recipe must do's board  ...  in the supermarket early this morning to get a couple of things and some imported pineapples were reduced to clear.  normally i would have thought well its not summer here (clearly!) i don't need that, but then i remembered i had pinned a couple of pineapple recipes to my pinterest boards the other day ... so that little pineapple came home with me to be turned into a pinterest inspired creation ... this is why i love pinterest, i am trying things i normally wouldn't bother to do!

cooking the fried rice in the wok
i substituted the shrimp for prawns (personal preference) and put in spinach instead of scallions, the rest of the recipe remained the same :)
ready to eat straight from the pineapple!
pineapple and prawn fried rice outcome: i thought the brown rice would make this quite a heavy, stodgy meal but the lightness of the prawns and pineapple really help to keep it light!  it was gobbled up by everybody and apart from waiting for the brown rice to cook was very quick and easy to cook :)  thanks so much to gina at skinny taste for the delightful, healthy meal we really enjoyed tonight, it was an awesome recipe.

and that folks is all the creating for today, see you tomorrow :)  i'm thinking a pillow might be made, but who can tell!


  1. What did you do for pie crust, Kirsty? That's the part that scares me . . . ;)

  2. if you don't have a good pie crust the edmonds sweet short crust pastry will work a treat :) besides people will be oohhing and aahhing over the top two layers to care!
