Monday, July 25, 2011

day forty six: week in the life album with ali edwards

our every day life ... ben with a book :)
day forty six and its time to start the week in the life album with ali edwards, probably my favourite scrapbooker :)   i have never done her week in the life album before but have always done her december daily albums and absolutely loved the process and the end result.  so today's pinterest 365 creation is the start of the week in the life project.  i have a linky button for this project that will take you straight to ali's site just over there on the right ... can you see it? if not this project is also pinned to my paper crafts board on pinterest.

last year i undertook becky higgins project life and completed it but decided a year off from photo taking and documenting each day would be a good idea!  i loved the project and have missed not documenting all those little every day things that make my life what it is ... i am hoping this project will give me a small slice of how our lives are for 2011.

i have decided to go with a similar album layout as ali used for her 2010 album but with less pages for each day ... lets face it ... there are only so many hours i have in the day and with a new creation and this for the next seven days, i needed to simplify it a little!  that said below is a quick sketch of how i intend to put each day together with journalling and photos  ...  always start with a plan and then see where the road takes you i say!  (this is my disclaimer that the finished project will probably look nothing like this sketch!)

the sketch of the plan for how each day will take shape in
the album!
i also printed out ali's VERY handy week in the life documenting worksheets which have already come in really handy for documenting the day as i go.  there are two worksheets for everyday, one is a timetable and the other has spaces for things overheard, gratitude, favourite moments etc.  honestly they have made documenting and remembering everything this first day a breeze ... :)

the things i have put aside for this project plus
ali's fantastic daily worksheets :)
i am doing this project in a postbound 8.5" x 11" album, sticking to warm reds, greys, black, and white as the colour palette, and using lots of tim holtz embellishments for a bit of a vintage feel to the album ... again we will see where this road takes us!

if you are joining in with ali edwards a week in the life project, PLEASE leave a comment with a link, i would absolutely love to follow along with you and see how other people are tackling this project :) ... and to ali edwards, well my sincerest thanks for such wonderful, meaningful projects and for providing us less talented with the tools to be able to complete them.

have a great monday everyone, below are just a couple of photos as the day has progressed so far :)

lunch should definitely not interrupt reading :) 
i wanted to get a photo of the fire because it is really cold in
new zealand today with snow in places we normally won't
have it ... something to document definitely!

on a cold day there is nothing better than milo

pollyanna helping me in the kitchen ... she
absolutely loves to cook ... today we made
a sauce for the fish together :)

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