Tuesday, July 19, 2011

day forty: hot milk cake

my hot milk cake :)
day forty and tomorrow i am taking the kids off for a 'battle in the bush' with a big group of home school kids! they have to make camo forts and design a flag for their group and generally spend some good ole' fashioned time outside getting exhausted.  at some point during the afternoon we will have to feed these mighty children, so todays pin is on my recipe must do's board, is from taste of home and its their hot milk cake.  i have never heard of such a cake so this will be exciting!
the batter ready to hop into the oven
the immediate thing that draws me to this recipe is that it doesn't require any unusual ingredients and most of them i have at home most of the time ... good news if this cake tastes good :)  the other good news is it doesn't require icing!

i gathered the ingredients (eggs, sugar, vanilla, flour, baking powder, milk, and butter), combined and my first surprise was how much mixture this cake makes!  its also a really runny mixture ... but into the oven it went while i checked the recipe to see what i had done wrong ... couldn't find anything :)
slice of cake anyone?
outcome: the cake was a big success ... it took an hour to bake but i have just realised the cake tin i put it in was really small compared to what was suggested in the recipe!  ok pays to read what tin size to use, metal note for the future :) family is stoked with this cake, super cool and totally doesn't need icing.  it tastes somewhere between a soft cupcake and madeira cake ... it definitely makes the list of make agains!

taste of home is quite a new recipe site to me but i am totally loving the recipes from it ... some are easier than others, but the effort is worth the result :) i am very grateful to the lovely people of taste of home it is a fantastic resource, thank you!


  1. I made one this morning to take and share with a friend in HLV - it was delicious! Do you think it might benefit from a little bit of lemon or orange zest . . mmm ...

  2. absolutely! a little orange or lemon hot syrup poured over it while its warm would be delish :)
