Monday, July 18, 2011

day thirty nine: 15 bags in 15 days clean out!

the 'bag' of clearing from the tv room bookcases!
found this cute pin for day thirty nine 40 bags in 40 days and as we are about to put our house on the market, i thought this type of clean out would be very timely :).  the pin comes from a really neat blog  little lucy lu ... a little bit of pink in the country (her blog had me at the title!) and you can find it on my ideas for organisation board at pinterest.
working on my list :)
 i don't have that many spaces to clean out ... small but quaint is were i live! so i am doing 15 bags in 15 days ... this will work really well with the spring clean i have going on :)  made my list in word and then printed ready to tackle today's bag!
the finished list with one crossed off!
outcome:  ok it ended up not being a bag but a table full of books and a couple of kids toys but the tv room bookcase now has about a third less books than it did have ... love the list and hopefully one a day won't seem a burden ... super hyped about this organisation list!

many thanks to bec's from  little lucy lu ... a little bit of pink in the country, for the fantastic idea which is totally going to help me unclutter my house without in being a major burden ... love great ideas and blogs and bec certainly fits into both those categories :)

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