Wednesday, July 13, 2011

day thirty four: home-made cards

my two finished cards
day thirty four is upon us and its time for some more card making! todays two card inspirations come from k werner design ... i love the simplicity of her designers, really crisp and not fussy, my type of card!  one of her cards is pinned onto my paper crafts board at pinterest.
working out the grids
gathered my supplies, then began with my main to use the same type of gridded squares she used on her card ... i inked the edges of the squares because as we know ... i don't like raw edges.  i also used a home-made flower and tim holtz tattered flowers in my sweet friends cuttlebug (she lent it to me for the week, i so want to have one now!) with some preloved book pages ...
can you tell i have a sweet spot for
fabric flowers ;)
outcome:  love the gridded squares, easy to achieve, these cards took no time at all to put together and are a great design option if you need a card in a hurry ... next time i make one, i want to add some bold, bright papers that yell child at you when you see it!

many thanks to the very talented kristina of k werner design... the designs are simple and stunning and the way her cards are put together makes me completely envious :)  she has a very popular following for her weekly make a card monday, and designs for the scrapbook industry.  definitely check her wonderful blog out!

photo fun challenge day 29: trees
looking out the front of our house down towards the vegies!


  1. Wow, keep up the wonderful work!!!
    I sometimes want to make that 365 day committment to do SOMETHING, but I never seem to get around to it.
    Question, do you have a plan, or do you just take it day by day?
    Regardless, I wish you the best of luck.

  2. hi robin, thank you so much for the lovely comment ... do i plan? i thought i would need to but each day i spend some early morning time (before schooling starts) and see what i feel like tackling for the day! the big projects that i want to undertake, i will leave for the school holidays when my days are a bit more my own and those days i will pre-plan ... as for the rest it really is the inspiration from pinterest that leads the way!
