Thursday, July 14, 2011

day thirty five: one bowl chocolate cake

why does the frosting look orange ... in real life its milk
chocolate brown!
day thirty five and winter has well and truly set in ... actually it's miserable weather, so i thought what better than make a chocolate cake for something yummy to eat after dinner tonight ... if you can't have beautiful weather, you may as well eat chocolate, right?

pinned to my recipe must do's wall is a one bowl chocolate cake ... ok the name had me pinning before i had even checked out the recipe! if you don't know you will soon discover i'm all about the one bowl recipes ... loving cooking and baking, hate dishes!  the recipe originates from karen of citrus and candy, she is "an all aussie girl but a pommie-at-heart" .  being a new zealander i will hold neither against her if nz wins the rugby world cup !!  her recipes are absolutely awesome, the pictures alone are mouth watering :)
melting, melting, melting
on with the cake ... melted the sugar, milk, cocoa, butter, chocolate, and sugar in THE bowl over some simmering water, waited five minutes and add the eggs before adding the dry ingredients straight into THE bowl for a last mix up, then it was into a lined baking tin and into the oven for 45 minutes.  liking this cake so far because it requires no machinery and a small amount of time!  the only change i made to the recipe was substituting the dark chocolate for milk chocolate ... it was all i had on hand :)

after the cake had cooled for about an hour, i melted the milk chocolate and made the frosting, tossed it on top and we are good to go!
its a winner this cake :)
outcome:  this cake is gorgeous, its moist and so very VERY eatable! not only that but the cake is super easy to make if you are in a hurry and need something baking in a flash without the normal mountain of dishes it usually takes to bake!  so if you are like me, then this cake is a bake and BAKE again cake!

photo fun challenge day thirty (last day :)): love
my two peeps :)
thank you to all the lovely people who have dropped by today ... i am truly grateful you made the time to stop by ... if you are doing something similar, i would love to be able to link to you so we can start a community that inspires just as much as the wonderful pinterest community does ... if you have never been to pinterest GO! its a wonderful, supportive, inspiring community that is run by the most creative people :)


  1. mmm it looks amazing. i've been meaning to actual do some of the things on my boards but havent yet.

  2. the other half of the cake was really good the day after as well :) let me know if you do make something, i'd love to see it!

  3. Made this today and we had it for dessert - YUM!! I used Whittaker's 72% Dark Ghana (but everything else was Pams . . heheh).
