Saturday, July 9, 2011

day thirty: knitted amigurumi oliver owl

ok my little owl looks more like a penguin
without his ears and tail but when they
are added tomorrow i am sure he will return
to the owl family ... if not peter the penguin
sounds good don't you think!
day thirty and welcome to saturday everyone :) hope your weekend is a good one .. i was still at the spring cleaning list (from day twenty two) quite the COMPREHENSIVE list i'm telling you.  so today after running around sorting out my dust issues i felt like a pinterest creation where i could, well, sit for a lengthy period of time this evening and do it in front of the sport on tv (go the silver ferns and crusaders!).  knitting certainly fitted the bill and as the amigurumi animal friends knitting book turned up at the library last week for me, i decided it was time to give oliver owl a go.  he is pinned to my general crafts board and you can buy the pattern book from amazon or get it from your local library :)
the knitting book from which oliver comes from

i really like knitting but i am pretty slow so there was no way she was going to be finished today, but he is close with only ears, tail and scarf to do tomorrow .. no sweat! ... i used the colours i had at home so he is a little different from the original brief :)
oliver in bits and pieces ... soon to be whole!
outcome:  i love him and it won't be the only amigurumi i make in the very near future because they are a great thing to do while watching tv ... i don't do too much tv but when i do, i will be knitting some more little friends for oliver owl!
he's a cutie that's for sure!
fyi: with all the spring cleaning and knitting going on today i didn't make it over to the sewing machine so tomorrow i will show you the finished shirt skirt!

1 comment:

  1. Kristy, I am in the process of knitting an "Oliver", but am completely baffled on how to make his ears...can you point me to a video of how they are made???

