Friday, July 15, 2011

day thirty six: winter scavenger hunt

the finished scavenger hunt boxes
day thirty six and its time to have a scavenger hunt for the peeps of the house ... its time to stop hiding from the rain and head outdoors for an adventure, so with that in mind i am using i am momma, hear me roar's fantastic egg carton scavenger hunt for todays p3645 creation.  the carton is also pinned to my home school projects wall on pinterest :)
getting the scavenger hunt printables done

so the concept is the kids are given the egg carton and then go outside and place the 12 items in the carton, i would love to have used i am momma's collection of 12 so i could have just printed it off but it didn't quite work for nz in the winter! not to worry, i made a table in windows and used clip art to provide the pictures, then laminated the bits (of course!) and attached to the cartons.  i was totally stoked with the outcome! i managed to do it while the kids were busy playing so hopefully it will be a nice surprise for them to do tomorrow and of course there is the silver lining that if they complete they receive a reward :)  sounds like good saturday fun to me and then they can recover from the wind and rain in front of the computer!
ready to laminate and attach!
outcome: really happy with how easy the concept was to put together, not only that its a great idea for a winters saturday morning. as for how the kids go with it and whether they found it any fun, i will update you tomorrow :)

big thanks goes to i am momma, hear me roar, cheri has awesome ideas on her site, this being one, but there are many, many more, she has a great attitude, check her blog out, i'm sure you will love it to :)

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