Monday, July 11, 2011

day thirty two: fabric flowers

the finished fabric flowers!
day thrity two and i am into my second month of pinterest 365! who knew creating each day would be so addictive. today we are venturing back into the world of fabric flower tutorials.  today's tutorials can all be found on pick up some creativity blog .... nice to have eight different flowers to do today to add to the collection and you can find the link on my general crafts board at pinterest.
the lengths of fabric ironed ready to turn into flowers
the first thing i did was cut a whole lot of different lengths of material at different widths and then ironed the strips in half.  because i am not the biggest fan of raw edges i did also iron in the ends ... need to work on my issues surrounding my compulsion for neatness.  as you will see i did step outside my comfort zone and do a couple of raw edge flowers, there is also the possibility they could be my last too ;)  i also added a couple of pieces of lace ribbon to my collection.
all the different types i made following the tutorials:
gather flowers, rolled ones, raw edges, twisted, and
circle petals to name a few!
the rolled rose looking ones i used hot glue to create, the rest are done with a needle and thread ... to say they require sewing is a stretch, the kids are going to make them this week in art as part of their sculpting with big needles and i am sure its not going to be a challenge for them ... so you get my drift!  the fun part is when you are finished the gluing or sewing and get to chose centres for them ... nothing like beautifying beautiful flowers :)

outcome: the flowers turned out fantastic, i loved learning all the different types of flowers she had available and it makes me realise i CAN make my own .... its a really rewarding way to spend an hour of your day, which is how long it took me to make these beauties ... it took me almost as long to chose the centres for them .. choices, so many choices!

remember the EASY skirt i made for pollyanna (you can see it here) ... well now i can make all sorts of flowers i decided to add one to her skirt ... cute aye.
a cute addition to pollyanna's skirt :)
my thanks to the lovely christine at pick up some creativity ... having links to all different types of fabric flower tutorials at one stop was awesome and i now feel i have a complete handle on them all!  the pictures + words tutorials and helpful advice are wonderful ... some of the tutorials are hers and some are from other blogs but also just as good ... if you want to master all the different types of fabric flowers this is a great place to go :)

photo fun challenge day 27: your weakness
this picture is worth a 1000 words!

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