Friday, August 5, 2011

day fifty seven: on the road in singapore with a fish bowl jelly/jello

fish bowl jelly/jello
(ice cream icebergs will added when served!)
day fifty seven and welcome to pinterest 365 on the road!  we have made it to singapore and it is HOT! we have gone from 10C to 33C and there is great excitment being with my sister and her family. 

ben taking in the stunning cityscape :)

cool off time ... thank goodness for the pool
since its so hot i figured a great dessert tonight would be something the kids could have with ice cream ... luckily pinterest has come up with a gem ... a fish bowl jelly (jello), inspiration from martha stewart and its pinned to my party ideas board :)

the ingredients for the fish bowls :)
the original makes its jelly up from scratch using gelatin, flat lemon-lime soda, and blue food colouring ... since i'm on holiday i went for the even easier option of lemonade jelly and my fishes are the nice and natural marine fruit mix :)  i waited until the jelly was half set before adding in the fishes so i could place them at all different levels ... otherwise of course all your little marine life will literally sink to the bottom!

outcome:  seriously cool! i picked up some vanilla ice cream to put icebergs on top for the kids (if i remember i will take a picture and put it up tomorrow) ... the kids have hovered by all afternoon and their excitement over these fish bowls has been awesome ... so worth the little bit of extra effort.  if you are having a pool/beach themed party or its just a special occassion with a bunch of kids these would be awesome on the menu and take little time to do and can be made well in advance ... the perfect sweet treat!

update on the travel kits:  a ten hour flight is a really LONG time for little peeps and the kids were awesome, thanks in a big part to the travel kits.  ben and pollyanna sat next to eachother and entertained themselves so well, steve and i relaxed the whole trip.  the lovely people sitting behind us even mentioned to us how impressed they were with their behaviour ... its worth the effort to do a little preparing most definitely!

pollyanna and her travel kit .. it was a brilliant success
thank goodness :)

fyi .. i am really sorry if today's blog post has taken ages to load, i wasn't able to downsize my photos today, but will sort out for tomorrow :)

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