Thursday, August 4, 2011

day fifty six: stitched gift tags

the ... uumm ... finished gift tag :)
day fifty six and its 5.30 in the early morning ... i know many of you get up much eariler but for me this is early :)  todays pin is found on my gift wrapping and gift ideas board and is from the simple + pretty website where she found them for sale on etsy by pilosale.  if you don't sew but love hand crafted things HEAD to her etsy site, there are the most amazing jute, natural coloured sewn home goods and if i will be heading to her store to purchase when i return from singapore ... actually this is what i will be getting (cute aye)

on to today's creation, i chose to do these stitched tags today because i knew i would be so excited and so rushed for time i wouldn't dwell on the fact i had to sew straight lines!

well they are done ... look for them on a gift near you in the
future ... if you are family :)
outcome: well these might be for family only and i will purchase some from pilosale for everyone else!  who knew sewing cardstock would be so hard!  the seams are sort of straight but the hardest thing was getting the tension right, never mind ... i actually needed these tags for some gifts i am taking with us today so they will have to do .. handmade requires rose coloured glasses sometimes :)

thanks so much to simple + pretty for finding such wonderful inspiration and a very special thanks to pilosale for truely inspiring products ... i really look forward to getting home and purchasing so of her absolutely stunning products :)


  1. So cute, a nice handmade touch for gifts!

  2. Fun and creative idea! I must learn to sew ...

  3. ... aren't they a really cute idea :) and actually they did look really sweet on the gifts i delivered!
