Wednesday, August 10, 2011

day sixty two: and i need some help to complete today's creation!

hello everyone ... today's pinterest creation requires me mailing a bottle to someone ... i thought i would fill it with goodies from singapore ....  if you would like to be that person please leave a comment and i will randomly choose someone to send to today ... and you can be anywhere in the world :)

ok this is where i hope that i get at least one comment so i can send it ... so PLEASE help me complete todays creation~!  for what the rest of this creation is about, check back later today and you will see all revealed and the lucky recipient!

sponge bombs for the pool: to say these were a big hit with the big and little kids is a major understatement, we had the most hilarious time in the pool with them yesterday afternoon and it is fair to say i also copped my fair share!  the nice thing with these is they don't hurt at all when you get barreled with them and they FLOAT ... so totally cool for the little peeps like my sweet two year old niece isla who also made great use of them!

she had a surprisingly good aim!
boys being boys!
some photo's from national day celebrations ... boy to the singaporeans know how to celebrate in style!

ben, pollyanna, and sam looking at the parachuters landing ..
we are heading up to the top of that boat next week ...
i'm scared of heights ... yikes!
they celebrated like they were singapore kids!
a helicopter escorted the flag and we sang the national anthem
with about a million others!
the fireworks were outstanding!


  1. I would love to receive your bottle from Singapore! :) I have been following your blog since day 18 I think! You impress me every day! Thanks for considering me! :)

    - Christina

  2. I'm sure you'll get tons of comments, but how fun would it be to get a prize from some you don't know from clear across the world? :) What fun!

  3. Would love to receive your bottle of goodies!! :)

  4. I would love you receive your bottle! I think it would be amazing to come home one day to something from SINGAPORE...just for me!!!! (to share, of course)

    Thanks for the consideration!! ♥

  5. Ooh I'd love to receive the bottle! I just found this blog and I love the idea behind it. :)

  6. I'm loving your blog! My little one loves receiving things in the mail and how cool that it would be from Singapore!

  7. HAHAHA Kirsty,
    You make me think of this movie where a message in a bottle was discovered by someone who will try to trace back the original sender.....Was it by chance in Sleepless in Seattle ?
    Or am I mixed up ?
    I have never tried to send a bottle in the mail nor thrown one at sea with a message enclosed but that would be fun to do either as the sender or the recipient !!! Since we are on the bottle topic, I am also interested by creating a TIME CAPSULE. Do Ben & Polyanna know what it is ? I think that I would love doing this on our anniversary coming shortly : Aug.20th....
    So what kind of goodies do you intend to send in the bottle ? I am curious :D
    xx Talk to you later

  8. You can send a parcel from Kirsty to Kirsty (Australia), yep thats me, only too happy to "help". My 3 little ones would be extra excited. Love the 365 challenge, what a productive year to look back on. My that pool looks good!
