Thursday, August 11, 2011

day sixty two: a mailed bottle of goodies

the bottle of goodies :)
day sixty two and we are mailing a bottle today full of goodies from singapore.  this wonderful idea comes from amberlee from giverslog and is pinned to my home school ideas board on pinterest (the kids have some new penpals and i am going to get the kids to send them some with nz goodies!).  amberlee has a wonderful blog that's full of tutorials, organising, baking, gifts, and so much more ... actually all the things i love!

ben and the lucky name :)
today's bottle is going to be sent to CHRISTINA who was randomly chosen from our hat of commenters.  thank you ben for your help writing everyones name :) christina could you please email me ( your address and we will send it off to you tomorrow! 

it was so much fun looking for goodies that would fit in a bottle this size and also quite a challenge :) i went to tiong bahru plaza and searched through lots of stores looking for little bits!

the disguised goodies .... ooohhhh :)
so the lucky girl doesn't see too much of what's in store for her, the goodies are a little disguised! its a 550ml size bottle that i dried out with a hair dryer and then filled.  i taped around the top just incase and then taped on a label for sending.

the bottle .. actually i am quite proud of
what i was able to fit in!
outcome: i love how the bottle looks full of singapore goodies, as for whether it gets there well that's pending! actually i loved including everybody so much i am going to find more pinteresting things to do where you guys can participate! 

my thanks goes to amberlee for the wonderful inspiration for todays creation, your website is awesome, so full of wonderful things to make and do!

have a happy day everybody, thanks so much for the lovely comments i was truly touched and overwhelmed by your kind thoughts ... wish our bottle well in its travels :)  we look forward to it arrving safely soon christina and congratulations!


  1. YAYYY!!!! I'm so excited!! :) I can't wait to get it! I never win anything! :P Thank you!!!!!!! :)!!!

  2. Aww, bummer, I totally missed out on that one! Blimmin' time zones! ;)

  3. Wow... you took me back in time. I love this idea, but what caught my eye even more was Tiong Bahru Plaza. I used to live across the street from that in Singapore!

  4. I got a bottle in the mail once, loved it!
